The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone will be Coming to PlayStation VR

Cloudhead Games’ long awaited followup to its popular 2016 virtual reality (VR) puzzle title The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed is due for release in mid-October for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Now it’s come to light that the developer is working on support for PlayStation VR, for The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone at least.

In an FAQ on Steam’s discussion forums, Cloudhead Games says that: “We’re currently planning a port to PSVR, but if you’d like to see PSVR support sooner rather than later, please let us know in the forums!”

But what’s the point in playing episode two if you’ve not experienced the first you may ask. Well it also seems that Call of the Starseed maybe be getting a PlayStation VR port. “Because The Gallery was built for roomscale VR, porting the experience to hardware such as PSVR requires a bit more effort and care. But, if you’d like to see PSVR support sooner rather than later, please let us know in the forums!,” states the studio in a Call of the Starseed thread.

The Gallery Heart of the Emberstone screenshot 2

There are no details on when these ports may see the light of day – possibly some sort of bundle might be introduced – but for now the studio will be focusing on the PC launch on 18th October.

The FAQ’s also highlighted a couple of other interesting details, The Gallery is going to be a three episode series but there could be other videogames set within the same universe: “We have one more episode planned in the current series, but The Gallery universe goes well beyond Elsie’s story…,” the post notes.

Cloudhead Games has (almost) confirmed support for Valve’s Knuckles Controllers as well – as it was one of the earliest developers to showcase the new device – saying: “We’ll have more information on Knuckles support in The Gallery as the hardware approaches consumer release.”

Looking forward to the release of The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone next month? Check out VRFocus’ preview in the meantime and for any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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