The world changes fast. What was a sure thing yesterday might not be twenty-four hours later. Maybe enough is enough and it’s time for a change. Maybe you’re happy where you are – but are open to new challenges. Then again you might be just about to begin your journey into employment and are looking for that first rung of the ladder to stand upon before you begin your climb. Whichever of these you are The VR Job Hub is back once again to highlight just some of the opportunities available in the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tech space.
So let’s have a look at what this week brings on the VR Job Hub list. As always click the links to view the more information about the new listings below:
Location | Company | Role | Link |
San Francisco, CA, USA | HTC Vive | Senior Software Solution Architect | Click here to apply |
Menlo Park, CA, USA | Oculus | Developer Strategy, Games | Click here to apply |
Universal City, CA, USA | NBCUniversal Media, LLC | Product Manager, OTT | Click here to apply |
Seattle, WA, USA | Artefact | Technical Director | Click here to apply |
Bavaria, Germany | ARRK Europe Limited | Development Engineer for Visualization and Virtual Reality (H​​ead-up Displays) | Click here to apply |
Munich, Germany | Telemotive AG | Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Vehicle Development – Application Development | Click here to apply |
Sunnyvale, CA, USA | Intuitive Surgical | Simulation Software Intern | Click here to apply |
Berlin, Germany | Social VR | Java Developer | Click here to apply |
Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | Software Developer | Click here to apply |
Pittsburgh, PA, USA | Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University | Senior Software Developer | Click here to apply |
Seattle, WA, USA | Oculus | UI Artist/Designer | Click here to apply |
Los Angeles, CA, USA | Skydance Media | Narrative Designer | Click here to apply |
Orange County, CA, USA | NextVR | Computer Vision Software Engineer | Click here to apply |
That ends the list of jobs for this particular week, but to see some more recent roles you can always check out the list from last week’s edition of The VR Job Hub, where you’ll find even more opportunities.
If you’re an employer and you are looking for someone to fill a role in VR, AR or another related would like to advertise that position in next week’s feature, please a link to the details to myself ( and
We’ll be back next Sunday, as usual at 3PM UK time with more roles in the VR and AR industries as part of The VR Job Hub.
via Mint VR