March 25, 2025

VAQSO VR Scent Technology To Be Showcased in Square Enix Title

One of the major advantages of virtual reality (VR) experiences as opposed to other mediums is its ability to completely transport the user to another world. Tokyo-based start-up company VAQSO are hoping to deepen that immersion with the use of scent technology, which is due to be showcased at the Tokyo Game Show.

VAQSO will be demonstrating nine exclusive VR ‘scent experiences’ at the Tokyo Game Show, including an experience created by Square Enix. Kai-ri-Sei Million Arthur VR is a collaboration between HTC Vive and Square Enix which features the RPG action that Square Enix is best known for in VR, and at the Tokyo Game Show will be enhanced by scents of the ocean and fresh earth. Other titles which will be showcasing the scent technology will be Counter Fight, a food preparation title where players will be able to smell cooked ramen noodles, sizzling gyoza and, if they mess it up, burnt food.

Other ‘VR Scent Experiences’ on offer at the Tokyo Game Show will include Wonderful World VR Private tour, Dream Pet VR, Sairento VR and VR Sakura. A full list of planned experiences can be found on VAQSO’s website.

The VAQSO scent device is compatible with any VR headset and attaches easily using a magnet. The current version of the device can hold up to three odour cartridges, though the developers are hoping to increase this to five or even ten for the final consumer version. The device also has a small fan, which allows the strength of the scent to change depending on how close the user is to the source.

The Tokyo Game Show will be taking place from the 21st – 24th September, 2017. Further information can be found on the official Tokyo Game Show website.

VRFocus will continue to report on new and innovative applications for VR technology.

via Mint VR
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