For many people, the Commodore 64 microcomputer was where they acquired an interest in videogames, programming and computing. To this day, the Commodore 64 still has quite a following and fanbase, and one person who decided to bring virtual reality (VR) to 8-bit videogaming.
A Commodore 64 fan identified online as [jim_64] has managed to put together a pair of VR goggles designed to work with the Commodore 64. While the device is not equipped with accelerometers or other position tracking hardware, the results are nonetheless very impressive.
Using one of the cheap VR headsets that are designed to hold a smartphone for things like Google Cardboard applications, [jim_64] tucked in a 5” LCD screen into the slot where a smartphone device would usually be placed and with a series of other clever hacks along with an RCA connector was able to hook it up to the Commodore 64.
The device is capable of delivering 3D stereoscopic graphics to the Commodore 64, as can be seen in the video below where [jim_64] demonstrates the goggles using a videogame he created himself called Street Defender, [jim_64] also self-authored the set-up software used to calibrate and adjust the screen for VR display.
A close look at the video where [jim_64] reveals how he built the device indicates a fair amount of space still left in the casing, enough that perhaps some manner of positioning sensor could be integrated with sufficient ingenuity.
You can watch a demo of the ‘VR64’ below, as well as another video showing how to device was built.
VRFocus will continue to report on new and innovative uses for VR technology.
via Mint VR