March 27, 202503:16:35 AM

Virtual Umbrella Launches VR Safari To Educate Companies On Immersive Technology

Virtual Umbrella Launches VR Safari To Educate Companies On Immersive Technology

UK VR agency Virtual Umbrella is looking at new ways to educate businesses on the growing immersive technology market.

The team this month announced VR Safari, a new initiative that aims to deliver tailor-made workshops to businesses over the course of the day. Think of it as bringing one of the many, many VR conferences that run around the year right to your door.

Covering everything from the HTC Vive and Gear VR to the HoloLens and more, the company plans to offer courses that can be built in partnership with clients to get the most relevant talks, topped off with demos for a wide range of devices.

For example, VR Safari could be contracted to run a day-long course that will include a talk from an expert guest speaker relevant to the field, a session that steers attendees through the expanding immersive technology scene, and a Q&A panel before wrapping up with demos. Companies can pick and choose what they want to cover over the day.

This represents Virtual Umbrella’s latest effort to educate companies that are starting to explore the possibilities of VR and AR. As we all know, it can be a tricky field to navigate, especially if you’re coming in fresh.

via Mint VR
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