March 23, 202510:48:26 PM

VR Esports Tournament Comes to Brighton, UK

Esports is gradually taking off in the UK. Esports tournaments have been a fixture in Japan, Korea, the US and parts of Europe for a while, and are now popping up in the UK as well. Some events re even combining Esports with virtual reality (VR) as is the case for an upcoming tournament where players will compete in VR title The Unspoken.

A small team at Brighton-based start-up company GOVR will be hosting a tournament at The Prince Albert in Brighton, a venue well-known in the music scene for its history of great performances and atmosphere.

Mark Bou Mansour, co-founder of GOVR, said: “For most people, high costs are still a serious road block to getting into virtual reality which means the future of virtual reality is getting shaped without them. That doesn’t sit right with us at GOVR. We have three rules for VR: make it easy, make it cheap, make it social. Events like this tournament bring everybody and anybody excited about virtual reality together, from first timers to core gamers to developers and local businesses. And it’s loads of fun too.”

The Unspoken was created by Insomnia Game for the Oculus Rift as a VR competitive title where players could face each other in magical duels, learning various types of magical spells and pitting them against one another in a way that blends traditional fighting games with the fluidity of VR motion controls.

The Unspoken Esports tournament by GOVR will form part of the Brighton Digital Festival taking place during September and October, which is designed to celebrate the creativity and culture of the city.

The main tournament is due to take place on 24th September, 2017. Further information can be found on the GOVR website.

VRFocus will continue to report on VR Esports events.

via Mint VR
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