Back in August indie developer Mardonpol Inc. – the studio behind trivia title Quiz Night Tonight! – announced work on its next virtual reality (VR) project, a cross-platform tactical shooter called Alvo that would support PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Today the studio has released further details alongside a teaser trailer.
Scheduled to launch sometime in 2018 for all three platforms, Alvo is a purely online first-person shooter (FPS) in a similar mold to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, featuring three gameplay modes: Search and Destroy, Free 4 All and Domination.
Search and Destroy, is a 5 vs 5 round-based mode, where one team attempts to plant a bomb whilst the other team needs to defend the sites and/or defuse the bomb. In Domination teams have to capture specific control points all over the map, and hold them for as long as possible. This gains the team points with the winner accruing the most. While Free 4 All is fairly self explanatory, kill everyone, no one is your friend.
Online only VR titles can suffer from lack of players so just in case this happens Mardonpol will have bots to make up the numbers when needed.
If this looks like your kind of VR videogame you can signup now to be a beta tester. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR