March 21, 2025

Digital Catapult Announce New Immersive Lab In Brighton

Immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) have taken off over the past couple of years, but to a large extent, the market is still dominated by US. Digital Catapult are looking to redress this balance with the opening of its Immersive Labs. Following the successful launch of its London lab earlier this year, Digital Catapult have chosen Brighton as the next location.

The Immersive Labs are part of a strategy created by Digital Catapult to develop the ecosystem for MR and VR developers to create new content. The lab will be available to businesses of any size as well as researchers and investors to create, demonstrate test and try out the latest immersive content and technology.

Brighton was chosen as the location for the second Digital Catapult Immersive Lab after thorough analysis into clusters of MR and VR activity throughout the UK. The search concluded that Brighton was one of the largest immersive hubs in the country, with several companies already working in those areas. Digital Catapult believe there is great potential for further development in this location.

“Brighton is uniquely positioned to take advantage of immersive technologies because it is home to many disruptive companies operating in the creative and digital sectors,” said Phil Jones, Lead at Digital Catapult in Brighton. “The opening of the Immersive Lab here is part of the wider strategy to bring these organisations together and encourage their collaboration to accelerate the immersive industry’s growth both regionally and nationally. Digital Catapult is committed to opening a number of Immersive Labs across the country, where anyone in the community can gain access to state-of-the-art equipment. Each Lab will build on the unique expertise of the local ecosystem, with the Brighton Lab drawing on Digital Catapult’s 5G test bed to help the SME community explore how 5G networks can open-up new applications and services using virtual and augmented reality.”

VRFocus will bring you further news on Digital Catapult and its projects in the VR area as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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