Few horror games have been embraced by the YouTube generation as a source of squeals and shrieks as Five Nights At Freddy’s. Now you can taste the horror in VR, too.
Indie developer Dielji has released a demo for a fan remake of the 2014 horror hit — brilliantly named Vive Nights At Freddy’s — just in time for Halloween next week. It supports full room-scale VR with the HTC Vive and also supports the Oculus Rift and Touch controllers.
Right now the game includes the first two nights along with a special Halloween night, but the developer plans to expand it to the full game in the future and includes some new twists designed specifically for VR. As the developer stresses, though, you won’t fully appreciate the game unless you’ve played the original, which he wasn’t involved in the development of. Check out some video footage of the game in action below.
via Mint VR