March 17, 202508:51:52 AM

Halo: Recruit Gameplay Details Revealed

Microsoft held a press conference for the upcoming launch of the Windows Mixed Reality platform today, confirming the existence of the Samsung Odyssey and launching the pre-order campaign for the numerous head-mounted displays (HMDs). However, the arguably biggest news is that the platform will arrive with its own entry in the Halo franchise: Halo: Recruit.

“I’ll admit it, when VR first became a “thing,” I was skeptical, [sic]” states Kiki Wolfkill, executive producer at 343 Industries, in a recent update to Halo Waypoint. “The idea of putting on a headset seemed claustrophobic and the promise of truly inhabiting a virtual space felt far away… boy was I wrong. There are precious few opportunities as a creative team to get to explore a truly brand new medium – the mixed reality space is exactly that, and it’s magical. Here at 343 Industries, we are just starting to dip our toes into the mixed reality space but we are hugely passionate about the potential to truly explore and play in our universe with this technology.”

Halo: Recruit was announced as a launch title for the Windows Mixed Reality platform today, set to be launched via the Windows Store for free. In-store demonstrations of the title will also be available, but no details on the gameplay were initially revealed. This has now changed, as Wolfkill has revealed exactly what Halo: Recruit is.

“It is a light introduction to the world of Halo and some of its most iconic characters… oh, and its weapons and maybe a Warthog,” states Wolfkill. “The point is, it was a chance for us to start to play with Microsoft’s amazing new technology and for you to get to stand toe-to-toe with an Elite (yes, I may have whimpered a little my first time in).”

The five minute experience was developed in conjunction with Endeavor One, a Seattle based virtual reality (VR) company focused on entertainment based experiences and social gaming.

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update dateHalo: Recruit will launch on 17th October 2017, exclusively for the Windows Mixed Reality platform. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on this and other videogame titles heading to Windows Mixed Reality HMDs.

via Mint VR
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