Vision and control were at the heart of the latest update for CCP Games’ space shooter EVE: Valkyrie in the first significant update since the introduction of the Warzone update in September, which brought cross-platform play between VR and non-VR gamers.
According to the note, CCP Games took community feedback into account with this latest update which included amongst its more notable additions support for NVIDIA Surround, AMD EyeFinity and, for those of you who like your monitors super wide, or rather ultrawide EVE: Valkyrie now caters for the high end gaming monitors that operate at 21:9.
Onto controls and fans and enthusiasts of HOTAS (aka Hands On Throttle-And-Stick) controllers will be very pleased indeed with the addition of support and specfic (and customisable) control schemes for the Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS X, Logitech Saitek HOTAS X52, Logitech Saitek HOTAS X52 Pro, Saitek X-55 Rhino HOTAS, Logitech X-56 HOTAS, Thrustmaster Warthog Joystick & Throttle and Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick.
And, if you’re more enclined to fly by the seat of your… mouse, there’s also a new control scheme for it that removes the need for a mouse lock key, allowing pilots to constantly and smoothly move and turn with mouse movements.
You can find the list of bug fixes and adjustments in the patch notes below.
- Bug fix for crash occurring during Trojan Fleet mission
- Bug fix for progression being blocked during Trojan Fleet
- Stability improvements when playing Extraction on Cathedral
- Bug fix for LOD issue on stationary ships on Shipyard
- Bug fix for Rán Hunt minigame
- Bug fix for pilot dashboards not updating correctly
- Bug fix for re-mapping Reset HMD button resulting in being unable to navigate menus
- Bug fix for mouse input not being reset between binding attempts
- Bug fix for default widescreen occurring when toggling between 2D and VR
- Bug fix for unusual behaviour when inverting com alerts mouse axes
- Removed mouse lock key from bindings that do not use its functionality by default
- Removed incorrect Reset HMD custom input on PS4
- Bug fix for custom helmets and suits not appearing in the post-match results screen
- Added descriptions to illustrate which controls schemes utilise free look
- Bug fix for mismatching voice-over and subtitles in Shadow ship bio
- Bug fix for incorrect audio playing while in the Wormhole clone vat
- Bug fix for red enemy indicator remaining static on screen
- Bug fix for squad invites not functioning correctly on PS4
- Bug fix for mismatched client and desktop resolution
- Bug fix for AI flying away from the Carrier while the Attack phase is still in progress
- Bug fix for incorrect title and outdated image being displayed in Squad invites
- Bug fix for disparity between Clone Vat controller settings and in-game controller settings
- PS4 controller settings default to Thrustmaster when this device is connected
- Bug fix on VFX when using Yurei Pulse Cannons
- Bug fix for overpowering bloom on all maps
- Updated the Kirins VFX to yellow. Previously the Kirin’s capacitor beam was using the same VFX as the Nagi’s heal beam. This was causing confusion as players didn’t know if they were being healed or having their capacitor refilled. This changed now adds better signs and feedback so the player now knows which buff they’re receiving.
- Bug fix for static loading screen being displayed on Vive HMD
VRFocus will bring you more news on EVE: Valyrie soon
via Mint VR