March 24, 202509:36:26 PM

Life In 360°: Faces From 30,000 Years Ago

We turn to the world of both science and history for today’s 360 degree video, provided by Visual Science and a recreation of homo sapiens (i.e. us) that lived 30,000 years ago. A relatively small number in the grand scheme of things but one probably unfathomable to most of us.

The recreation focuses on the Sungir, believed to be ancestors of today’s Northern and Eastern Europeans. Through laser scanning and high definition photography the skeletons of two girls from this period were analysed and the resulting information was used, along with facial recognition techniques to rebuild what the two girls looked like thanks to 3D modelling software.

“Located in the Vladimir region of central Russia, Sungir is by far the northernmost prehistoric settlement of early modern humans in Europe.” Explains Visual Science in a fact sheet. “It was first excavated by archaeologists in 1956. More than 80,000 cultural and household artefacts have been found at the site, which is believed to have been a seasonal hunting camp. Many are made from mammoth bones, Arctic fox canines and stone. Beads, pendants, zoomorphic figurines, engravings and clothing have been among the findings. Remains of nine people have been discovered at the site. The best-preserved belonged to two siblings, aged approximately 10 and 13. These were used to create the VR 3D animation. Decades of research on the Sungir site have advanced our understanding of human development, migration, and the cultures of Palaeolithic Europe.”

You can see the video from Virtual Science below. VRFocus will be back at the end of the week with another example of 360 degree video from around the world.


via Mint VR
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