March 27, 202503:49:16 AM

New Images Emerge For Upcoming Resident Evil 7 biohazard DLC

Many fans of the Resident Evil series have been eagerly awaiting their chance to find play as fan-favourite character Chris Redfield, and discover the fate of Zoe. New images and a trailer newly released by developers Capcom give a brief taste of what is to come with the upcoming DLC.

Two new DLC packs Not A Hero and End of Zoe are planned for release in December 2017. Not A Hero will be available for free to anyone who owns a version of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, while End of Zoe will be available for purchase at £11.99 (GBP). Both DLC packs will also be available alongside Banned Footage vol. 1 and Banned Footage vol. 2 with the full videogame in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Gold Edition, will will be released on 12th December, 2017.

End of Zoe will introduce a new character called Joe, a wilderness lover who lives alone in the marshes, guarding his home and his mysterious past. A chance encounter with Zoe sets off a new chain of events.

Not A Hero features veteran Resident Evil character Chris Redfield, who has been sent in to bring an end of the horrors perpetrated by the Baker family. Redfield will be a witness to the terrible aftermath of Resident Evil 7 and the fate of Ethan Winters. Other members of Redfield’s BSAA team tried to take out Lucas Baker before, but were unsuccessful. Redfield, determined to succeed where others failed, must track down Lucas through the traps and dungeons of the plantation, and save his team, if he can.

End of Zoe and Not A Hero will both be compatible with PlayStation VR.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Resident Evil 7 biohazard as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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