Oculus Connect was a big event full of big announcements, such as the Oculus Go and Santa Cruz, but big announcements were just part of what was happening at the event. There were also several presentations talking about important topics in the virtual reality (VR) sphere, including one on the importance of retention and building relationships.
Isabel Tewes, Developer Strategist for Oculus spoke on stage about her experience in the mobile app field, where keeping customers hooked of their apps is a key to success in that field. Tewes points out that at the general level of adoption of VR at present, it is important to get people involved with the medium quickly, in order to convince them of the potential of VR, so that enthusiasm can then be passed on to others.
Tewes used one example of an Oculus app called First Contact, which was designed to help users get to grips with the new Touch controllers. She noted that many users responded very positively and in an emotional way to the robot character and his shy little wave. She said that Bernie Yee, one of the developers behind the First Contact app spoke of the importance of involvement and building relationships, saying: “VR can be overwhelming and it can feel lonely. Having someone – even a robot – acknowledge your actions is something we found to be really powerful.”
You can watch the full video presentation below.
VRFocus will continue to report on new developments in the VR sector.
via Mint VR