March 23, 202511:59:36 PM

Pokemon Go Halloween Update

Pokemon fans tends to get quite excited about new Pokemon being added to the videogames. This is no less true of Pokemon Go. The long-awaited addition of the 3rd Generation Pokemon is coming soon, with some ghostly goings on in the new Pokemon Go Halloween Update.

Developer Niantic have revealed that some selected Pokemon from the Hoenn region will be added to the pool of available Pokemon in a Halloween update. Specifically, some Ghost-type Pokemon who first appeared in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire such as Sableye and Banette.

In addition, other Ghost-types such as Gastly, Cubone and Houndour will see a higher encounter rate. A special Halloween-themed Pikachu will also be available for trainers to catch, and Candy rewards for hatching, catching and transferring Pokemon will be doubled throughout the event, and your Pokemon walking buddy will also locate Candy twice and quickly.

Trainers will have the chance to pick up special boxes from the in-game shop which will contain items such as Super Incubators and Raid Passes. Finally, there will be a new avatar item available, the Mimikyu Disguise Hat, crafted to resemble the mysterious Ghost-type Pokemon Mimikyu.

The Halloween event will begin on 20th October, 2017 and continue until 2nd November, 2017. The other 3rd Generation Pokemon from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire will begin to appear in Pokemon Go starting in December 2017.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Pokemon Go as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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