It’s a great week of releases for PSVR, including the long-awaited launch of Gran Turismo Sport and more.
Gran Turismo Sport, from Polyphony Digital
Price: $59.99 (Partial PSVR support)
Polyphony Digital’s legendary racing series returns once more, and this time it’s got a little VR support to boot. Available here is a VR tour mode that allows you to race around all of the game’s tracks as if you were really sitting in the driver’s seat. Sadly it’s only in 1 vs 1 races against AI opponents.
Recommendation: Not worth it for VR support alone, but if you’re interested in the full game it’s a nice bonus.
Megaton Rainfall, from Pentadimensional Games
Price: $15.99
This is a fun arcade game in which you play as a superhero trying to save the planet from alien invasions. You’re invincible, but you’ll be judged on how many lives you save, so you’ll need to take care as you aim at enemy’s weak spots and race against the clock to save the planet.
Recommendation: Great fun both in and out of VR.
No Heroes Allowed VR!, from Acquire
Price: $29.99
The cult favorite series returns for PSVR. Embody the God of Destruction and raise monsters to invade human territories. Maintain an ecosystem to keep a healthy food chain for your demonic pets. Played from a diorama view.
Recommendation: One for fans of the series for sure.
via Mint VR