March 27, 202502:02:36 PM

The Music Is Within You, Jam Studio VR Wants To Bring It Out

There’s something wonderful about the ability to make music. Like so many, at least in the UK, the only real dalliance I personally had with learning to play music was to have a cheap plastic recorder forcibly shoved into my mouth at Primary School when I was about six or seven. Unfortunately, there’s only so many times you can botch playing Three Blind Mice and mangle Frère Jacques at that age before your enthusiasm for the whole thing somewhat wanes.

There is though no age barrier to begin learning anything new, and earlier in the week VRFocus brought you news of just one way you could learn how to play a musical instrument (or at least enjoy putting music together) courtesy of a new product direct from Beamz Interactive and Vive Studios – Jam Studio VR.

Supporting, naturally, the HTC Vive, Jam Studio VR is an interactive music app which allows anyone at any level of ability find out just what is needed to make music – even perform a set as a DJ. Composition, playing, learning, it’s all wrapped up in the app which contains a library of 20 plus tracks to try out. Out on Steam, the app is also available via Viveport which recently uploaded a launch trailer to its that you can see below.

Beyond that however, the developers also wanted to showcase how it operates, so as part of an “in action” video they turned to Megadeth bassist David Ellefson to talk about how you could be creating your own symphony of destruction via virtual reality (VR).  You can see that too below.

VRFocus will be bringing you more release news from Vive and Viveport throughout the coming week.

via Mint VR
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