March 13, 202507:59:45 PM

Trailer Debuts For Blood & Truth On PlayStation VR

Trailer Debuts For Blood & Truth On PlayStation VR

I can’t help but feel pretty uncomfortable seeing a trailer like this one for Blood & Truth, an upcoming game from Sony’s London Studio for PlayStation VR.

The game shows a gun-fueled assault on what looks like a casino and nightclub in London. The player is shown hiding behind walls for cover and crawling through air ducts using the PlayStation Move controllers to wiggle along. The trailer also shows what appears to be aggressive interrogation using gunfire to scare someone, as well as  gun fights enhanced with slow motion with blood spraying into the air.

Trailer below:

The first generation of VR shooting games often focused on battling robots or zombies, but as the market progresses more developers are becoming comfortable with the idea of shooting virtual humans while immersed in a VR headset, with Blood & Truth becoming the latest example.

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