March 24, 202504:14:40 PM

Blood & Truth Gameplay Details Revealed: Gunplay, Dialogue Options and Movement Systems

One of the biggest announcements from Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe’s (SIEE) Paris Games Week press conference last week was a new PlayStation VR exclusive title, Blood & Truth. Developed by London Studio, responsible for PlayStation VR launch title PlayStation VR Worlds, Blood & Truth is a shooting videogame set in the seedy underbelly of London’s organised crime world.

Blood & Truth logoPlaying as elite Special Forces soldier Ryan Marks, Blood & Truth puts players on a desperate mission to save his family from a ruthless criminal overlord. Using the PlayStation Move motion controllers, players will blast anyone in their way as they go face to face with enemies, uncover secrets and experience the thrill of the chase in a high-octane action narrative inspired by PlayStation VR WorldsThe London Heist experience.

Blood & Truth is a first-person experience in which the player will face numerous opportunities to improvise; changing weapons, using explosives and making decisions regarding dialogue to unfold the story their own way. The script is designed to react to the player’s own way of getting into and out of trouble.

As the player rampages around the melting pot of glamour and grit that is modern day London, they will find that the PlayStation Move motion controllers perform perfectly well for the videogame’s movement system. Blood & Truth utilises a node mechanic, similar to ARKTIKA.1 on Oculus Rift, which allows the player to teleport almost instantly between several predetermined positions in each environment. The system has been designed to limit the possibility of inducing simulation sickness. At present, Blood & Truth will not feature a free-roaming locomotion system.

Blood & Truth screenshotThe gunplay in Blood & Truth is more open to interpretation than the movement system, however. The PlayStation Move motion controllers provide force feedback as you would expect, however the reload system from PlayStation VR WorldsThe London Heist has been improved upon. Players will have access to a variety of weapons, all of which require slightly different reload mechanisms, as well as devices such as plastic explosives which can be set throughout the environment.

The most interesting part of Blood & Truth has to be the dialogue options. To what depth the story will branch in accordance with the player’s decisions is not yet known, but VRFocus can’t wait to find out more when the videogame launches in 2018.

via Mint VR
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