March 22, 202501:34:33 AM

Digital Catapult And Arts Council England Looking To Support XR Creators

Digital Catapult And Arts Council England Looking To Support XR Creators

Digital Catapult and Arts Council England has announced CreativeXR, a program dedicated to support up to 20 immersive content creators.

Creators can receive access to Digital Catapult’s immersive content labs, face-to-face time with industry luminaries and up to £20,000 to help realize their project.

Project submissions run the gamut of immersive experiences, but may include:

  • Artistic pieces
  • Cultural experiences (including those inspired by museum, gallery, library or heritage experiences)
  • New forms of storytelling (fiction or non-fiction)
  • New forms of interactive entertainment

“The potential of AR and VR to enhance our experience of a story and elicit emotion needs to be exploited. With CreativeXR, we want to give content creators and innovators the support, space, technology and funding that they need to develop their prototype ideas,” said Digital Catapult Head of Immersion Aurelien Simon. “Doing so will provide audiences with better, multi-faceted experiences, while supporting the UK in gaining a greater share of the lucrative global immersive market.”

You can find more information and apply for consideration on the CreativeXR website. Submission cutoff is Thursday November 2, 2017.

via Mint VR
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