March 26, 202510:43:04 AM

Driver4VR Update Adds PlayStation Move and Daydream Controller Support

In September VRFocus reported on indie developer Grzegorz Bednarski releasing a piece of software called Driver4VR, allowing virtual reality (VR) users to track their entire body using Microsoft’s Kinect sensor. Now Bednarski has revealed that an upcoming update for the software will add PlayStation Move and Daydream controller support.

If you happen to have either version of the Kinect sensor lying around that’s long since been relegated to a draw, then you may want to give it a new lease of life with Driver4VR and a VR headset. The update, which should be available this Christmas means that players can utilise either PlayStation Move or a Daydream controller for use with SteamVR videogames.


As you’ll be able to tell from the demonstration video below, the software only tracks the head and hands of the user, rather than offering the full body tracking like before. Still, with the update this means that Driver4VR supports even more controllers for VR enthusiasts to use with SteamVR plus compatible head-mounted displays (HMDs), which include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Pimax 4K, Nolo VR and many more.

Driver4VR is designed to be easy and cheap to setup, making entry into the world of VR a less wallet busting place – especially if you already have some of the kit. The software isn’t free – it originally retailed for €10.40 EUR – but for those looking to experiment with different VR solutions – of which there is a growing community – it’s not expensive.

Aside from offering full body tracking, the upcoming PlayStation Move and Daydream controller tracking, plus wide headset support, Bednarski has also created Leap4VR, a Leap Motion SteamVR driver allowing the hand gesture device to be used with SteamVR videogames.

The developer has also created WalkinVR, another SteamVR compatible piece of software that’s been designed to help disabled players enjoy VR experiences.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Drvier4VR, reporting back with the latest updates.

via Mint VR
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