March 16, 202504:59:14 PM

Life In 360°: Mad God

Welcome back to VRFocus where November is well on the way and we’re on the pathway to the holiday season. If you were with us over the weekend you’ll know just how true that is, because Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) revealed details of the Black Friday week deals for the PlayStation VR as well as the PlayStation 4 console and information about the PlayStation Store.

Not only that we have one of our final significant events of the year tomorrow where we’ll be covering all that is revealed at the Vive Developer Conference. So be sure to look out for that.

Until then it’s 360 degree video time once again, and just as with last week at this time we’re starting the week with something that is somewhat creepy and unnerving. There’s no demonic clowns this week though. Instead we’ve something that’s still twisted – but in a very different way.

This time we’ve a short video courtesy of Wevr Transport,, and it features something we’ve not had to date on Life In 360°, stop motion animation. In this video entitled Mad God, which is actually produced by Phil Tippett, the special effects master and Academy Award winner who is known for his work with the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park as well as being responsible for that chess scene in Star Wars: A New Hope.  Something Tippett revisited not that long ago with a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign to bring the scene to life once again in the form of an augmented reality (AR) videogame called HoloGrid: Monster Battle.

Mad God was first revealed back at the end of October and we reported on it at the time, however we now have something in 360 degrees to show you.

“I really liked the concept of bringing an art form that has been around for a hundred years and matching it up with this new accelerated world that we’re in.” Explained Kaleidoscope VR’s Mike Breymann at the time. “It allows for discussions around ways of experiencing art and virtual reality. There’s this notion that game engines, rapid advancements in hardware, accelerated graphics and all this technology is somehow carrying us forward artistically, and this experience is in some ways calling all that into question.”

You can check out the unusual world of Mad God below, VRFocus will be back on Wednesday with something very different indeed.


via Mint VR
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