Just when you thought you were safe and sound and we were no longer going to talk about anything spooky, or things that go bump in the night (or any other noise for that matter) along comes an item that send a shiver up the spines of corporate lawyers everywhere: The fan project.
Now I’m not averse to a good fan anything. I mean, have you heard the awesome music that Overclocked Remix produces? That’s stuff’s pretty amazing. That said I don’t think they’ve done a remix of a virtual reality (VR) title yet. Still, there’s always time, right? On this occasion though there’s nothing musical about the project. It doesn’t relate to a videogame either, instead it relates to both a book and a film – and something we’ve already discussed on VRFocus twice in the last couple of months.
The video in question is an unofficial fan project that pays tribute to the world of Stephen King’s horror IT and the scary world of Pennywise The Dancing Clown, as he sneaks around an abandoned basement area, kidnapping children and terrifying you with balloons. It’s also interesting that this version appears to use a version of Pennywise more similar to that played by Tim Curry in the original film adaptation.
You can see the three minute long 360 degree videos adaption below, that originally appears on the YouTube channel #360 Video.
However, in more official capacity IT has received both a 360 degree experience and a VR videogame. Each of which tied in with this year’s remake. In official 360 degree experience IT: Float VR Experience which was revealed back in August, you set foot in the cursed streets of Derry and follow the disappearance of young Georgie down into the sewers. Unfortunately for you Pennywise is onto you – your destiny is to float. Meanwhile at the end of last month SunnyBoy Entertainment’s IT: Escape From Pennywise VR has you as a member of ‘The Loser Club’ trying to avoid the sinister demon and escape it’s foul lair – the Neibolt house.
VRFocus will be back, minus the creepy clowns thankfully, on Wednesday for another example of 360 degree video.
via Mint VR