March 26, 202506:24:29 AM

Multiverse Confirms Seeking Dawn Heading to PlayStation VR

Ambitious and highly anticipated action survival title Seeking Dawn has been eagerly awaited by HTC Vive and Oculus Rift owners for quite some time. Now Developer Multiverse Entertainment has confirmed that PlayStation VR owners will be able to join the anticipation since Seeking Dawn will be heading to that platform.

On Reddit, the a representative of Multiverse Entertainment confirmed that Seeking Dawn will be heading to PlayStation VR, though the release will likely not be at the same time as the expected HTC Vive and Oculus Rift release. The Reddit post said that the development team have not yet confirmed a release period, though the team anticipate a release date some time in 2018. Beta testing is expected to begin in the next few weeks.

Seeking Dawn screenshot 1

Seeking Dawn is an ambitious virtual reality (VR) title, with an expected campaign length of at least ten hours and a sprawling open world with multiple activities available for players. The campaign will be open for multiplayer co-operative gameplay, inspired by titles such as Minecraft and Don’t Starve. Seeking Dawn will incorporate survival and exploration elements, with players able to engage in crafting, cooking, explore caves and dungeons and look for treasure.

The developers are hoping to craft an epic and absorbing storyline, with a sci-fi tale of a future where humans have set up colonies on other planets. Players will be caught up in a devastating war between the corrupt United Federation of Sol, who run the Solar System with a corrupt, iron grip, and the Republic of Alpha Centauri.

The title was expected to be released in Autumn 2017, but the date has been pushed back for undisclosed reasons. VRFocus previously experienced a preview of Seeking Dawn, and reported: “The design and proposition of Seeking Dawn is certainly impressive, there’s a lot going on and the short demo barely even scratched the surface of what Multiverse Entertainment are trying to do.”

VRFocus will bring you further news on Seeking Dawn as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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