March 16, 202505:28:54 PM

November’s PlayStation Plus Games Include Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Bound

November’s PlayStation Plus Games Include Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Bound

November is a good month to be a PlayStation VR owner. In celebration of the device’s one year anniversary last month, Sony has decided to include not one, but two games with PSVR support for this month’s free PlayStation Plus game lineup.

This month’s official game lineup features Bound as the headline title, which is a breathtakingly beautiful platformer/adventure game about a dancer exploring a surreal and mesmerizing world. The game first released outside of VR and got a free VR patch when Sony’s headset released, so now the base game is free too for this month.

Interestingly, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood isn’t technically included in this month’s free PlayStation Plus game lineup. Instead, it’s just a specially designated bonus game. From November 7th (next Tuesday) all the way until January 2nd, all PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download Until Dawn: Rush of Blood for free. Fans of horror games definitely don’t want to miss out on this twisted roller coaster ride.

All in all these are two very solid exclusive PSVR titles that are well-worth checking out. And for the sake of clarity, here are the other non-VR games PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to:

  • R-Type Dimensions, PS3
  • Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, PS3
  • Dungeon Punks, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)
  • Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse (Episodes 1 & 2), PS Vita

Let us know what you think of this month’s offerings down in the comments below!

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