Videogame soundtracks are just starting to gain widespread respect as a musical genre in its own right, featuring in live orchestral concerts, and even getting airtime on radio stations such as Classic FM. Videogame soundtracks are also starting to see release in various formats, such as the upcoming release of the soundtrack to The Invisible Hours.
Created by independent developer Tequila Works, The Invisible Hours is an innovative virtual reality (VR) murder mystery where the player takes a ‘fly on the wall’ view of proceedings after the body of fames inventor Nikolai Tesla is discovered dead in a mansion house. The player must listen in on conversations and discover the identity of the killer.
The soundtrack for the experience was composed by Cris Velasco, who previously worked on titles such as Resident Evil 7 biohazard, which is also VR-compatible. In VR it is often vital for the music and sound design to be as good as possible so to properly immerse the user in the environment.
We took our inspiration from stage theater and played with atmosphere and ambient sound,” explains Raúl Rubio, CEO and Creative Director of Tequila Works. “Like the original silent movies of early 20th Century, we added a soundtrack matching the action only in very specific moments for dramatic purpose. The result is an intimate, atmospheric symphony that talks directly to your soul. And composer Cris Velasco is the invisible hand behind the chill you feel when wandering Tesla’s domains spying the secret lives of all these strangers.”
The soundtrack for The Invisible Hours is being made available for digital download and online streaming through music publisher Sumthing Else Music Works. Further details on the release is available via the Sumthing Else website.
The Invisible Hours is available for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR. Further details are available on the official website.
VRFocus will bring you further news on The Invisible Hours as it becomes available.
via Mint VR