If you own a PlayStation VR – or are thinking about buying one – there’s plenty to be excited about right now. Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) showcased a bunch of new titles on Monday for Paris Games Week (PGW) and now it’s been announced that Supermassive Games’ launch title Until Dawn: Rush of Blood will be free in the next round of PlayStation Plus deals.
So from 7th November through 2nd January, PlayStation Plus members will be able to download Until Dawn: Rush of Blood as a bonus game alongside the two main titles for PlayStation 4, Worms Battlegrounds and Bound.
The videogame was Supermassive Games’ first foray into virtual reality (VR), bringing the teams previous title Until Dawn to PlayStation VR. Featuring plenty of scares and heart-pounding horror with a creepy circus theme, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood puts players on a creepy fairground ride, creating an on-rails shooter that reduces or negates simulator sickness.
As for the rest of the PlayStation Plus lineup there’s: R-Type Dimensions for PS3; Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic, PS3; Dungeon Punks, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4) and Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse (Episodes 1 & 2), PS Vita.
That deal is a week away. In the meantime, if you’ve not yet picked up RIGS: Mechanised Combat League – another PlayStation VR launch title – that’s still available for free until next week.
If you’ve not kept up with VRFocus‘ coverage of PGW news the new videogames that featured included Fast Travel Games’ Apex Construct, Survios’ Sprint Vector, Blood & Truth by Sony London Studio, Megalith and Bow to Blood. While further details were revealed for Moss, Dead Hungry and League of War: VR Arena, and Star Child. Ultrawings, Smash Hit Plunder and Resident Evil VII biohazard DLC Not a Hero also made an appearance.
For all the latest PlayStation VR offers, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR