When if comes to ailments sufferable by a human there are some very curious names employed when identifying them. Fo9r instance there’s Athlete’s Foot, which I imagine many of you are familiar with. You may also be familiar with one of the many names that the ailment prepatellar bursitis – an inflammation of a small fluid sac in front of the patella (or knee cap) – goes under. That alone has been known as housemaid’s knee, housewife’s knee, floor layers’ knee, plumbers’ knee and even clergyman’s knee. But have you at any time suffered from Gorilla Arm?
This is the term used for when users are using touchscreen surfaces with a pen, or in extended use of gestural interfaces in general without any avenue for rest. Not only did tiredness become a factor but repetitive strain/stress injury was also a possibility.
This is one of the things that the creators of start-up Drawboard want to combat as they bring their new venture funded company, that has apparently been working in stealth for the last six months, into the public eye.
Drawboard is, in essence 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) pen, part of the goal of building a comfortable all-day VR workstation, one.used in conjunction with the Windows Mixed Reality range of head mounted displays (HMDs) or alternatively with the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift although with the latter two HMDs you would also require the addition of a Leap Motion unit.
“When we set out to make a VR workspace, we had to reimagine both the pen and the canvas. We created the Drawboard Pen, which feels like a regular pen but uses our advanced tracking technology for unparalleled precision.” Explains the company on their website. “The Drawboard Pen is built for VR and makes it easy to paint or manipulate objects in 3D. Yet, the Pen is familiar, and lets you use any flat surface like your desk, as an infinite canvas for expressing ideas.”
Pre-order signup is live now on the website and the firm have also released a promotional video giving a brief introduction to the product and showing how it will work. VRFocus will be bringing you more news about VR peripherals and add-ons as we get it.
via Mint VR