Fallout 4 VR doesn’t actually work with a gamepad connected to your PC.
During our time reviewing the game we’ve been unable to successfully use the Xbox One gamepad to play it. When a controller is connected you can perform certain actions like jumping and firing a gun, but you can’t move, which is obviously something of an issue. You can also use the gamepad for navigating menus which, if you’re playing with the unofficial Oculus Rift support on SteamVR, does make it much easier to select the right options.
We’re not sure how many of you actually planned to play the game with a gamepad, but we thought we’d point it out just in case.
Still, all is not lost; we reached out to Bethesda, which confirmed that the game only supports the Vive controllers at launch, but gamepad support is in the works for later down the line.
The lack of gamepad support at launch is surprising given that Bethesda’s other two VR games, Skyrim VR and Doom VFR, both support this input method. Given the traditional game already supports this input, we’d have assumed implementing it into the VR build would be quite simple. The HTC Vive does, of course, come with the motion controllers bundled in.
Tagged with: Fallout 4 VR
via Mint VR