March 22, 202508:18:29 PM

Kevin Williams To Host VR Discussion At EAG International & Visitor Attraction Expo

As we’ve seen throughout the year through Kevin Williams’ series The Virtual Arena the development in the Digital Out-of-Home Entertainment (DOE) sector continues at a pace, especially where immersive technologies – and in particular virtual reality (VR) – are concerned.

Earlier this week we brought you the first part of Williams’ latest column, a look at the many experiences he came across at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Expo in Orlando. The second half of which you’ll be able to read on Christmas Day.  The new year bring a new run of events and one specifically involving DOE will be hitting the UK in mid-January. Not only will Williams be, no doubt giving VRFocus a report on everything revealed at the EAG International and Visitor Attraction Expo but he himself will be chairing one of the EAG Seminar Programme’s sessions, specifically about VR, in his capacity of head of DOE / leisure entertainment consultancy firm KWP.

Taking place on Wednesday 17th January, mid-way through the three day event at the ExCel London, Williams is scheduled to host ‘The implications for new virtual reality technology and how it has a direct impact on the amusements and attractions sector in the UK and beyond’. It will also feature Inmotion’s Paul Collimore, Tom Hamilton of RUSH VR, Simon Reveley of Figment Product, Amplified Robot’s Steve Dann and Bob Cooney of Cooney Consult.

“This wide reaching session will include an overview of the immersive entertainment scene, choosing an appropriate games platform and the opportunities and pitfalls that exist for VR arcades in the UK.” Explains EAG in a statement. “The afternoon session will focus on the operational opportunities around operating VR arcades and their inclusion in theme parks and mixed leisure destination. The session will close with a review of some of the steps the amusements industry needs to take to prepare for new immersive entertainment technology.”

As mentioned above, VRFocus will bring you more about the event in a report next year. For more information about EAG International and the Visitor Attraction Expo you can find it on their website at

via Mint VR
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