March 22, 202508:18:52 PM

L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files Does Not Work On Oculus Rift

L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files Does Not Work On Oculus Rift

It’s time to ask the big question yet again: L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files has just released on Steam with native HTC Vive support, but does it support the Oculus Rift?

Sadly, it looks like the game won’t work on Rift. We’ve booted it up with a headset and get the message ‘Error: Headset Not Support’ as seen below. Through Valve’s OpenVR system, all games that support SteamVR should be able to run inside any supported headset (which also includes the news Windows ‘Mixed Reality’ kits). However you’ll often find that games that don’t natively support a headset/controller type won’t have perfect input.  Sadly, that’s not the case here.

It’s been a season of big releases for Vive. Earlier this month Bethesda and id Software launched Doom VFR on SteamVR, followed by Fallout 4 just earlier this week. The former didn’t work on Rift at launch, though a SteamVR beta update quickly fixed this. Fallout 4, meanwhile, works pretty well aside from a few caveats, largely concerning the game’s menus and, ironically, having to use the stable SteamVR build instead of the beta. It’s not an ideal situation but at least it’s better than nothing.

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