March 23, 202507:22:12 AM

Life In 360°: Masters Of The Internet

Ah the internet, it is great for many things. Learning! Entertainment! Wasting a few hours because heck, you’ve got nothing better to do!

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoThere is of course one overriding ruler of the internet.  An all-powerful body that cannot be stopped in its domination of all that is online. Not even the end of Net Neutrality can stop this power house – although you might want to avoid the subject of neutrality in case they think you’re talking about neutering. I am of course talking about the cat.

It is surprising we’ve got this far into Life In 360° and not really featured cats that much – at least the domestic kind. Oh, we’ve had dogs here and there throughout the last couple of years and certainly we’ve featured the big cats. But apart from one instance back in April where we looked at a cat cafe, the domestic cat? Not so much.

Fortunately, it’s pet care company Purina to the rescue with a ten-minute long 360 degree video from 2015 of Christmas kittens at play. A video which was made in conjunction with their Tidy Cats line of, well… kitty litter, actually.  Check out the video below to see a number of kittens of all sizes having fun in something of a winter wonderland. They must’ve been especially good that year, as there’s a heck of a lot of presents for them.

VRFocus will be back tomorrow at the same time as we begin to tick off the last few days of 2017. What awaits? Come back tomorrow to find out.



via Mint VR
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