March 26, 202507:13:43 AM

Life In 360°: Never Press The Red Button

As we’ve seen on a couple of occasions in the last few months on our, normally, thrice weekly early morning look at 360 degree video in Life In 360° that (despite appearances often to the contrary) the medium isn’t all about someone filming an event somewhere or a short. Nor is it always some sort of promotional tie-in for a television programme, or a film, or something of that ilk. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I hasten to add.  On those rare(r) occasions we do see something more creative that just film. We’ve seen adaptions of hand drawn animation, claymation, computer generated imagery to instruct, inform and entertain.  Sometimes all three.

Today’s video gets creative with CG animation as we follow Norwegian animation house Putty Studios’ quirky creation as they do the one thing you should under no circumstances do in any kind of cartoon short: Push the red button. Although, in this instance it sets off something at least interesting – Rube Goldberg Machine.

If you’re familiar with the name but not what it does, such a concept is named after, you may not be surprised to learn, Rube Goldberg. A cartoonist and inventor.  The whole point of a Rube Goldberg Machine is to do something relatively straightforward, except the number of steps taken are ridiculous in their number and over-complexity. A good example of this would be the machine in the board game Mouse Trap. No one in their right mind would employ such an overly elaborate device in reality just to catch mice.

Which is rather the point.

Anyway, it seems the fellow is intent on starting this machine. Seriously, no good will come of this action at all. At least you’re in the designated safety zone. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. Just… don’t move. Eh?

There’s also a making of video as well from the Putty Studios team that you might want to see which shows the various stages of production. You can find that below. VRFocus will be back tomorrow at the same time for another example of 360 degree use. We’ll see you then.


via Mint VR
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