March 23, 202509:07:04 AM

The Last Guardian Demo Out Now In Australia

Ever since the first images of The Last Guardian were shown to audiences, it has captured the hearts of gamers across the globe, and now the heartwarming tale from Team Ico is heading to virtual reality (VR), starting with a new VR demo.

The Last Guardian puts the player in control of a young boy trying to escape from an ancient castle and the guards who inhabit it. He finds and befriends a mysterious feathered creature, half-bird half mammal, who he befriends and names Trico. The two of them must learn how to work together to overcome many obstacles along the way to freedom.

Much of the gameplay in The Last Guardian involves figuring out what skills need to be be applied. The boy can go places that Trico cannot or will not to remove obstacles, while Trico can reach high places or fight off enemies. The story is told through actions and expressions, not words, following on from Team Ico’s other successful forays into a show-not-tell storytelling established in previous titles Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.

The Last Guardian VR Experience is based on the original videogame, though not an exact copy of any part of the original title, intended to offer a flavour of the title it is based on instead of being a direct port. According to the announcement at the PlayStation Experience, The Last Guardian VR Experience will offer about 15 to 20 minutes of gameplay.

The Last Guardian VR Experience is already available as a free download to users in Australia, and is due to hit the PlayStation Stores for all users on 12th December, 2017.

Sony has been heavily promoting the PlayStation VR recently, offering substantial discounts during Black Friday week and accomplishing some excellent sales figures during this period, hoping to draw in consumers who wish to purchase high-ticket Christmas gifts.

VRFocus will bring you further news on The Last Guardian VR Experience as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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