March 16, 202506:50:08 PM

Top Tips For Surviving Hell In Doom VFR

Top Tips For Surviving Hell In Doom VFR

Hell comes to VR today, as Doom VFR finally launches on the HTC Vive and PlayStation VR (PSVR). We’ve already covered ourselves in demon guts to bring you the full review but, if you’re looking for some top tips on how to survive your own expedition into the shooter frenzy then look no further. Here’s our best advice on making it through your whirlwind tour of Doom VFR.

Spend Some Time Choosing The Best Input For You

Doom VFR offers a range of input solutions across PSVR and Vive. Both editions support dual-wielding motion controllers (the Moves and Vive wands) as well as gamepad support. PSVR also has Aim controller support. While dual wielding might seem like the way to go at first, neither of these options offer smooth locomotion, instead demanding you get by on the game’s teleportation or dash systems. That might be just fine for you but, either way, spend some of the quiet moments of the first 10 minutes of the game trying out all control options available to you to decide what’s right.

Decide Your Difficulty

I don’t want to sound elitist here, but Doom VFR is one of those games that’s just better on harder difficulties. That’s not just because it provides a more intense challenge but largely down to the fact if you play on the Easy or Normal difficulty settings you might blitz through the campaign so quickly you won’t even feel like you’ve settled in yet. The arena-style fire fights are designed to be played trial and error style, so embrace the repeated deaths and get a few more hours out of it.

Telefrag Whenever Possible

Telefragging, a rather ghastly term coined by id, refers to first stunning an enemy and then teleporting into them to make them burst. It replaces the brutal melee animations from the original game, but it still drops a few extra health points. In a game like Doom, where your health meter will bounce up and down as you come under fire, it’s vital to make sure you’re getting a constant supply of these points, so don’t miss out on this crucial mechanic.

Don’t Forget Your Secondary Fire

Almost every gun in Doom VFR can be upgraded with a secondary fire mode but, frankly, it’s very easy to forget these exist in the heat of combat. So if you find yourself running low on ammunition, make sure to let loose a payload of missiles that might finish the enemy off. The game goes for your grenade hand, which is all too easy to forget actually serves any use when you’re running for cover.

Don’t Miss The Classic Levels

Once you’ve completed the campaign, make sure you don’t switch your console off straight away. Head back to the main menu, where you may well discover you’ve unlocked some classic maps from the original Doom available to play in VR. They’re a lot of fun to run through, though we’re not completely sure what goes into unlocking them just yet.

via Mint VR
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