Now that CES 2018 is finally starting to wind down, we thought it was appropriate to host a short livestream directly from Las Vegas so we could talk to all of you about the show. During the livestream we’ll discuss what our favorite pieces of tech were, what some of the weirdest stuff we saw was like, what surprised us, what disappointed us, and so much more.
And naturally, we want all of you to send us your questions for the livestream so we have plenty to talk about. You can do that either by commenting down below, commenting on the stream once it’s live, or hitting us up on Twitter — anything works. You can find me on Twitter here and Ian on Twitter here.
Our official CES recap livestream will be kicking off in just about an hour right around 8AM PT on the official UploadVR Facebook page and will run for as long as we feel appropriate, likely somewhere between a half hour and an hour long. You’ll be able to watch it right here:
Embedded livestream coming soon
We’re looking forward to chatting and letting everyone know what we honestly thought about this year’s show. Don’t forget to drop your comments down below with any questions and tune in to toss us your questions and thoughts live on the air.
In the meantime you can watch yesterday’s livestream in which we gave a brief tour of the first floor of the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Tagged with: CES, livestream
via Mint VR