March 24, 2025

Get Ready for Out of Ammo on PSVR with These Screenshots

PlayStation VR owners looking for a new war-gaming experience will be happy to know that Out of Ammo is on it’s way to PlayStation VR, and it’s looking pretty good in these new screenshots.

Out Of Ammo key art

The virtual reality (VR) videogame is being brought to PlayStation VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) by Zen Studios, and they’re launching the game on January 30th 2018. This isn’t the first game Zen Studios have brought to PlayStation VR; they launched Infinite Minigolf last year.

Out of Ammo puts player in a Survival mode where the player acts as a general on the battlefield, where they organise placement of bases, buildings, defences and more, before issuing troops orders and calling in bombing raids. It’s a high-stress job being an army general, but someone’s gotta do it.

Players can even get more personal with their warfare, by taking control of Riflemen to pick off enemies, Medics to heal troops, or even fortify your constructions with the Engineer or get deadly with explosives as the Rocketeer. It’s a good selection of gameplay styles for players to enjoy.

Developer RocketWerkz previously clarified about the kinds of gameplay players can expect; “Possessing your units allows you to utilize the full capability and power of the positional tracking. Take cover behind sandbags, lean over a tower railing, or duck behind your sandbags and grab a grenade to throw as a last resort! Full physics applied to game objects further enhances your experience allowing you to position your magazines in the space around you ready for when you need to reload.”

The game was previously released for HTC Vive, and now PlayStation VR owners can look forward to being a general and going to war in VR, from the comfort of their sofa.

There’s eight maps to look forward to, and players who decide to pre-order can get CastleStorm VR by pre-ordering Out of Ammo in advance.

Of course we’ve got more for you to see in the screenshots below, and you can even take a look at a video trailer here. In the screenshots below you can see a variety of weapons being used in a range of environments, hopefully promising players on PlayStation VR that they’ll have plenty to sink their teeth into.

For all of the latest on games like Out of Ammo and PlayStation VR, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

Out of Ammo - Screenshot - "Vertigo" Out of Ammo - Screenshot - "Port" Out of Ammo - Screenshot - "Overwatch" Out of Ammo - Screenshot - "Icarus" Out of Ammo - Screenshot - "Contact"

via Mint VR
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