Last week VRFocus reported on Argentinian developer OKAM Studio announcing its first virtual reality (VR), a sea-based multiplayer combat title called Ship Ahoy for HTC Vive. Today the videogame has gone live and for those keen on controlling a pirate ship armed with cat launching cannons you may want to take a look at VRFocus’ gameplay video.
Ship Ahoy’s main feature is a player vs player (PvP) mode where everyone online competes against one another in a fast and furious deathmatch mode. As you’ll see in the video below gameplay is a finely tuned balance between controlling the ship using the central stick found at the front of the boat and the two side mounted cannons.
Gameplay is kept simple and accessible so that all ages can jump into battle with ease. So there’s no upgrade options to speak of, either for the ships or the weapons. Everyone is on a level playing field so it’s down to your own sailing and shooting skills to come out on top.
It’s not all about trying to sink each others battleship however, OKAM Studio has included several single-player modes to help you practice those skills, from racing around caverns trying to hit as many targets as possible to defending your own tower from invading ships by using four cannons placed atop the fortifications. All of which VRFocus demoed for your enjoyment.
Ship Ahoy is in early access currently so as development continues VRFocus will keep you updated.
via Mint VR