March 18, 202504:08:30 AM

Oculus Home 2.0 Is Getting A Music System

Oculus Home 2.0 Is Getting A Music System

Oculus Home 2.0, which arrived in beta for late last year, has gone down well with Rift fans, allowing them to customize their virtual spaces with minigames, achievements and decorations. Soon, users will be able to personalize their music, too.

Right now everyone using Home has the same relaxed music track. Soon, however, Oculus will give you the chance to change the music, with over 50 minutes of original audio on the way. Music in genres like electronic, orchestral, ambient, downtempo and atmospheric rock have been composed by Michael Bross. It doesn’t sound like you’ll be able to select your own music natively to play all the time but, then again, that’s only a Spotify click away thanks to Oculus Dash.

You can enjoy one of the tracks below, as exciting as that sounds.

No word yet on when Home and Dash’s full, non-beta release will take place but the system is already shaping up pretty nicely.

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