Saving money, watching football, what else do you need out of life? Nothing, that’s what. So thank Ally Bank for bringing us the wisdom on how to save during the Super Bowl this February 4th, as they launch The Ally Big Save, an interactive mobile game that’ll help you save cash.
It’s an augmented reality (AR) videogame that challenges users to think about their savings and spendings, by visualising money in a virtual dollar drop. It’ll be available for download from Janaury 31st through to the day of the big game.
Andrea Brimmer is chief marketing and public relations officer at Ally Bank, and she wants customers to be more aware of their spending so they can make more sound financial decisions; “On a day and stage where America is being flooded with messaging to spend big, Ally wants to inspire consumers to focus on saving for something bigger to make a more meaningful impact on what matters most to them and those they care about. As the company that disrupted financial services with the first online-only bank built around the needs of its customers, we felt that disrupting the market on the biggest day of advertising with this non-traditional approach is perfectly fitting.”
Once users download the app they’ll be able to specify what they want to save for, and during commercial breaks during the Super Bowl, money will fall across the screen. Users can use AR to interact with the money. You collect as many points as you can, and attempt to increase your score during the next break. At the end, you may win a cash prize bringing you closer to your desired goal – though you’d have to be very lucky indeed…
“Ally is built to ‘Do It Right’ with financial services and products that help customers focus on saving for a better life for themselves and others,” added Brimmer. “Through our augmented reality experience, we hope to give Americans the tools to visualize a future where their savings goals are attainable – with the support of a true ally.”
It’s an interesting way for users to think about their finances, we can only hope to see more creative uses of AR on mobile in the near future, especially if they’re tied to sports events. For all of the latest news on AR apps, stay on VRFocus.
via Mint VR