Skyrim VR: The Life and Times of FocVRus

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR presents a huge and violent land for travellers, finding aggression at many more of its turns than you will peace. VRFocus recently embarked upon a quest as the unlovable sneak FocVRus; a thief with basic magika skills and a penchant for disruptive behaviour. Join us now as we catalogue his first – and last – days in the land of the Nords.

Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The series of pieces below is an account of an unscripted adventure in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR on PlayStation VR. Each decision made had a reason for doing so within the remit of the character that had been designed. A personality that differed from a typical playthrough, FocVRus follows the main questline of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, but does so without a care for the disruption his actions may cause along the way.

Entering into this quest, VRFocus laid out a few minor rules. Firstly there should be no restarting; a death is a death, and aggression towards non-player characters (NPCs) – accidental or otherwise – must stand. Secondly, no levelling-up: the entirety of this five-day adventure remains at level one. Finally, no purchasing items; a thief is a thief, and what FocVRus wished for must be stolen, received as a reward, or taken by force.

The five days detailed below, including videos of gameplay footage included for each day, showcases a player’s journey from lowly thief to widely respected thief. It’s a testament to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as a six-year-old videogame that it can still feel fresh thanks to virtual reality (VR), wherein The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR is arguably one of the best titles available for the PlayStation VR.

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day One

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Two

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Three

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Four

My Life as an Adventurer: Skyrim VR – Day Five


Skyrim VR: VRFocus' Adventuring Life screenshot

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim VR launched on PlayStation VR in November 2017. The expectation is that this VR adaptation of the Bethesda Game Studios classic will also launch on PC in 2018, however no specific announcement has yet been made about the possibility of this port. As ever, VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details.

via Mint VR
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