Smooth Locomotion Heading to DOOM VFR PC

DOOM VFR launched on HTC Vive and PlayStation VR to considerable excitement and acclaim. No launch is without its issues, however, particularly when Bethesda are involved. A new patch is due for launch today which will address some existing issues as well as add in some new features.

The new update patch was announced on the DOOM VFR Steam community page by JasonBethesda, and is due to be rolled out on 30th January, 2018. The update will introduce several new features as well as fixing some issues players had been having.

DOOM VFR screenshot

Significantly, the title will now support Windows Mixed Reality headsets, though there is still no sign of official Oculus Rift support. Responding to community feedback, a Smooth Locomotion option has been added, along with Smooth Locomotion speed options, and option to Jump using VR controllers when Smooth Movement is enabled, and a toggle for Dash when using Smooth Movement.

The Jump control has also been added to the Gamepad controller scheme, and a Discolouring issues that had been experienced by some virtual reality (VR) users on certain headsets has been addressed. Several other minor bug fixes have also been applied.

The community is largely approving of the addition of Smooth Locomotion, but the continued lack of official Oculus Rift support is causing some frustration with a segment of users, though unofficial workarounds do exist. Others are renewing demands for a left-handed option, noting that DOOM VFR is currently very difficult to play as a left-handed player in its current configuration.

DOOM VFR got top marks from its VRFocus review, noting: “Ultimately DOOM VFR stands as a fine example of just what can be achieved with the FPS genre in VR as of today, lining-up against Robo Recall as an action-heavy experience that throws the rulebook out of the window.”

DOOM VFR screenshot

As ever, if there is further news or updates regarding DOOM VFR or any other major VR titles, VRFocus will be there to bring you the latest.

via Mint VR
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