March 22, 202510:17:04 PM

StarDrone VR Is PSVR’s First Game Of 2018

StarDrone VR Is PSVR’s First Game Of 2018

We hope you had a good Christmas haul because 2018 sure has been quiet for PlayStation VR (PSVR) so far. But fear not; the content drought ends this week with the arrival of StarDrone VR.

We haven’t really seen it in action yet, but StarDroneVR is a spin-off of a pre-existing arcade-style game that mixes pinball with breakout. You control a space drone and complete various tasks like reaching a certain destination or defeating all enemies over the course of 60 levels. You collect power-ups and take shots at the scoreboard. There’s no trailer to speak of but you can get a glimpse of the classic game below.

We also don’t know how much the game will cost nor exactly on what day of the week it’s expected to drop, but it shouldn’t be too long now.

It appears that the game is debuting on PSVR but will also be coming to pretty much all other headsets and can be played without a VR device, too. It might not be the biggest PSVR release but hopefully it will tide fans over until the release of The Inpatient and Apex Construct in just a few weeks’ time.

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