March 24, 2025

Summer Lesson Fans Can Teach Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo In VR Soon

The curse of not being able to speak Japanese means that gamers the world over have had to miss out on plenty of obscure, quirky and interesting games over the years. It’s a shame, but often global audiences just aren’t quite ready for the enterprising and revolutionary gaming ideas that the Japanese market are ready for. One of these virtual reality (VR) videogames is Summer Lesson, a PlayStation VR experience where you get close to Hikari Miyamoto, a young girl, and teach her a lesson. In the Summer.

Summer Lesson Screenshot

While it looks and sounds quite sweet there’s an odd dark undertone to Summer Lesson. Despite that though, there’s already a small legion of fans that want the other two Summer Lesson videogames, Allison Snow and Chisato Shinjo, available in English; and luckily, it’s happening very soon.

The two new Summer Lesson videogames are finally making their way to Southeast Asia, so that’s Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Idonesia. They’ll be making their way there in 2018, and of course they will be fully subtitled in English. Luckily, the PlayStation 4 isn’t region locked, meaning you can happily import and play the two VR experiences and fully enjoy them, though they will still include the original Japanese voice actors.

We took a look at the trailers for both Chisato Shinjo and Allison Snow, and, well, they’re interesting. Anyone looking to hit it off with waifus in VR will be of course over the moon with the news, as new waifus can only be a good thing for any affection seeking VR fans.

If you want to hang out with and teach the two new girls, Chisato Shinjo and Allison Snow, then you’ll need to import a copy of the videogame from a Southeast Asian retailer – or a company that manages to get stock from the region. It’s a relief that the PlayStation 4 allows us to play these regardless of our home region, because we can’t help but be fascinated by the experience.

For all the latest on waifu romancing and VR experiences, and we know you want to hear more about it, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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