March 16, 202506:28:11 PM

Take on an Alien Invasion With Your Fists in Boxing Apocalypse

With so many high quality titles being released on Oculus Store for Oculus Rift it can be difficult to experience all the videogames available, especially when it comes to the store’s less curated Gallery Apps section for indie developers to showcase their talents. One of the newest titles to arrive on that section of the store is Boxing Apocalypse by Mario Simone.

Boxing Apocalypse screenshot 2

As you can probably guess from the title, Boxing Apocalypse is an energetic videogame where you’re going to need your fists to punch your way through a bunch of nasty looking aliens. There’s a storyline involving you being kidnapped by these aliens and trying to save the world from an invasion but essentially all you need to worry about is knocking out some alien ass.

To ensure Boxing Apocalypse isn’t just a mindless – and repetitious – boxing experience, the title features an intuitive combat system where players can increase their skill level by performing special combinations of punches as well as having access to finishing Power Punches for the ultimate beat down. Players can also accurately block enemy punch combinations with their Armored shield.

The current version available for Oculus Rift features a single-player campaign for players to punch their way through, with multiple difficulty levels available from easy to extreme, challenging the best VR players. At some point in the near future the developer also plans on adding a multiplayer mode to challenge your friends and a Tournament mode.

Boxing Apocalypse screenshot 3

Additionally, Simone also plans on porting Boxing Apocalypse to PlayStation VR at some point, although at this time there’s no confirmed date.

Currently Boxing Apocalypse can be found on the Gallery Apps section of the Oculus Store for $19.99 USD/ £14.99 GBP. For the latest videogame updates and releases for Oculus Rift, keep your eyes glued to VRFocus for the latest announcements.

via Mint VR
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