Another week into 2018 and there still aren’t any huge releases to talk about on PC VR, though it’s still fairing better than PSVR which has had nothing in either week. We do have a few interesting bits to talk about this week, though, so let’s get straight to it.
And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR. We also have a top list of the absolute best Oculus Rift and HTC Vive games at the corresponding links.
Steampuff: Phinnegan’s Factory, from Steelehouse
Price: $9.99 (Rift)
A fairly polished-looking wave shooter in which you fight off robots with dual-wielding weapons. It might not be the most original game but the production values are impressive and there’s not a whole lot else to play this week.
The Lost Bear, from Oddbug Studios
Price: $6.99 (Rift, currently discounted)
The PSVR platformer, in which you play on a virtual screen, heads to Rift. The Lost Bear places you in an immersive theater the loses you in its woodland environments as you play as a young girl on the search for her, you guessed it, lost bear. This is a charming, memorable little VR experiment.
Blade Runner 9732, from Quentin Lengele
Price: Free (Vive)
This unofficial Blade Runner app brings a highly-detailed rendition of Deckard’s apartment to your headset. You can explore to your heart’s content in what looks like one of the most visually impressive VR experiences we’ve seen in some time. It might not be an official adventure like those seen on Rift and Gear, but it’s still worth checking out.
Unbound, from Unbound Technologies
Price: $29.99 (Rift, Vive, Windows, currently discounted)
Another VR creativity app. What could this one possibly offer? Simple; collaboration. Yes, Unbound allows friends to meet up and create 3D models just like anyone can on their own in apps like Tilt Brush and Medium. This is an early access release right now, so expect new features to be added.
via Mint VR