Whilst the focus of the computer technologies world has landed squarely on Las Vegas this week, as all manner of companies, studios, developers and stakeholders showcase their wares at the first trade show of the year, the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018 that doesn’t mean all roads lead there – at least in terms of announcements. Some companies, though timing their announcements in line with CES are not necessarily to do with attending the event or what they are showcasing there. Instead being more general announcements of new business partnerships, forthcoming projects or products and so forth.
One area that has received a lot of attention in the run up to CES however has been augmented reality (AR) and it is AR that is again the focus of a new announcements from WaveOptics. The UK based designer and manufacturer of diffractive waveguides, founded in 2010, has revealed a new partnership with Taiwanese firm Coretronic. Which, the pair hope will result in advances in the integration of AR within systems, while also making things easier both by the lowering of limitations caused by technical issues and the reduction in the financial costs involved. Coretronic will bith distribute and integrate WaveOptics AR as well as providing system integration (SI) to any customers of WaveOptics who require it.
“Our partnership with Coretronic highlights our commitment towards helping our ecosystem of valued partners bring AR displays to life.“ Explains CEO of WaveOptics David Hayes. “By offering the key technology required at a price point that will allow AR end-user products to hit the market by 2019 for under $600. Together, we’re making entry into the AR space technically and financially feasible by combining our world leading, low-cost waveguides with Coretronic’s best in class light engines.”
“The partnership reflects Coretronic’s strategy to strengthen its leading position in display and optics development technology.” Added SY Chen, the President of Coretronic. “WaveOptics offers unparalleled performance with scalable technology. The Module Program will enable AR commercialisation, accelerate WaveOptics into new markets and drive Coretronic’s vision to be an all-round display systems provider across Asia, North America and Europe.”
VRFocus will have more news about the developments at WaveOptics very soon.
via Mint VR