March 18, 202504:38:19 AM

Anyone That Pre-Orders Seeking Dawn Can Play The Closed Beta

Anyone That Pre-Orders Seeking Dawn Can Play The Closed Beta

Last week we learned that the visually stunning upcoming VR shooter Seeking Dawn from Multiverse was opening up for pre-orders and non-guaranteed Closed Beta applications. Now today, Multiverse has announced that anyone that pre-orders the game on Oculus Rift or HTC Vive will get access to the Closed Beta period — not just a select few.

Seeking Dawn has been on our radar for a while now. We were impressed with its visuals and the general foundation for what could be a great game back during our hands-on preview at E3 2017 and the focus on large-scale environments with cooperative multiplayer is certainly ambitious.

Take a look at this fresh batch of screenshots provided by Multiverse right here:

More details about pre-ordering (for $10) can be found on the game’s official website.

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