March 23, 202512:10:46 PM

Drone Hunter VR Evolved Out Now for Gear VR

Own a Samsung Gear VR? How often do you go to the ‘less curated’ Gallery Apps section to look at the indie experience available? Probably not that often, so you may have missed a new release this month called Drone Hunter VR Evolved by VR VISIO.

Drone Hunter VR Evolved header screenshot1

Drone Hunter VR Evolved​ is a version of the original PC videogame specifically made for Samsung Gear VR, expanding upon its features rather than just a straight port. The story goes that: “You are in control of Drone Hunter​ – a combat unit fighting off an alien fleet in space. But not really. Who in their right mind would have given control of so advanced robot to some random person? You are just a candidate for this role, whose goal is to get the best score in a combat simulation using Drone hunter’s guns, laser and energy shield,” notes the team.

Apart from the addition of virtual reality (VR), Drone Hunter VR Evolved​ now includes a shop and upgrades to help tailor your experience – and make those harder areas a little easier. Not taking itself too seriously, the videogame now has hundreds of new voice lines to bring the Drone Hunter persona to life as he comments players’ actions with cheesy quotes from his favourite 80’s movies and jokes about a few internet memes.

The title is essentially a wave shooter for mobile VR, racking up big scores to get on the global leaderboards. Drone Hunter VR Evolved​ can be played not only using the standard Gear VR touchpad, but also the Gear VR controller, for additional immersion and precise control.

Drone Hunter VR Evolved header screenshot2

“We had to go into deep pop culture research and I think some of his (Drone Hunter’s) lines will make you laugh or at least smile,” said Sebastian Kropiwnicki, the designer of Drone Hunter in a statement.

Drone Hunter VR Evolved is available at Oculus Store for $2.99/£2.29. For any further updates from VR VISIO, keep reading VRFocus.


via Mint VR
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