March 24, 202508:43:25 PM

Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR Nears Full Release With Act III Update

Indie studio MiroWin released its first virtual reality (VR) title Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR in September 2017 on Steam Early Access for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. That was followed in October with a major content update introducing ‘Act II’. In preparation to leave Early Access the studio has launched ‘Act III’, introducing the final part of the campaign. 

Guns n Stories Bulletproof VR Act3 screenshot 1

In the update MiroWin has added three new levels, two new weapons: paired Tommy guns “Bella and Talula” and one the studio calls “Mrs. Jumbo”, a couple of new enemies as well as a final boss called Harry. Additionally, there are three new trials: Warfare in the Saloon, Wall to Wall and Obstacle Race, and new gameplay mechanics where players have to protect objects, protect allies and Chase!, where a hero is teleported to a new town’s location in the final round after each shooting.

Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR has a sense of humour throughout, revolves around an old bounty hunter telling his grand kid about his adventures. Just like any old story it’s embellished to make it sound even more amazing and fantastical, and its these stories that players must complete. So players will come across steampunk style enemies, flying drones and cowboys riding segways and more.

Guns n Stories Bulletproof VR Act3 screenshot 2

In a hands-on preview of Guns ‘n’ Stories: Bulletproof VR VRFocus said: “Mention wave shooters to a VR player and they’ll probably roll their eyes. Titles in this genre need to have something special about them to even be worthwhile. Secret Location’s Blasters of the Universe had it and Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR looks like it might as well.”

MiroWin hasn’t yet said when Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR will leave Early Access simply teasing that further information will be released next week. When that happens, VRFocus will let you know all the latest details as they are announced.

via Mint VR
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